Our story

Let’s Change How We Manage Online Education

Rather than Intelligent Quotient, we are in favour of Math Quotient (MQ), Financial Quotient (FQ), and Technology Quotient (TQ) amongst other pre-college abilities that K12 education should solid for the students to prepare them a foundation for future study.

Story video

EduNaissance Values


At EduNaissance, education is a job of gap-filling regarding the world we live in and learn in. 


EduNaissance provides online education as a vehicle to build a path for K12 students to foster MQ, FQ, and TQ seamlessly and boundarylessly.


Strategic Target
  • We provide courses plans and curriculum preparations for k12 schools regarding MQ, FQ, and TQ.
  • We provide a stock trading simulator for k12 students.
  • We deliver MQ, FQ, TQ classes to enrolled students.

Math Quotient

Math is not only a calculation, at the beginning of human history, but also the starting point of languages.

Technology Quotient

EduNaissance transfers technology to k12 students as Coding (R and Python) and Website Designing

Financial Quotient

We integrate our stock trading Simulator into our Financial Quotient classes to have k12 students gain practical experiences regarding economic and finance literacies.

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